News: “Good life” survey for later years

The Life Changes Trust has launched a survey to find out what people think makes a ‘good life’ in their later years
What do we understand as a good life in our later years? This is the question central to Life Changes Trust current reseach project with over 30 community researchers across Scotland working to find out what constitutes as a good life and what is needed to achieve this.

The research project is unique in that it enables people over the age of 50 to to undertake research into the aspirations they – and their peers – have for their own future. Funded by the Life Changes Trust it is a partnership between people over 50 who have been trained as community researchers, the University of Stirling and Age Scotland.

This project will also explore how quality of life differs for people with a long term condition, like dementia, as well as older people who become carers for a partner, relative or friend. The findings of the project will be used to influence decision makers to imporve policies that support older people as they age.

More here.