Survey: ‘Asking the right questions’ project


This is not a Moray Wellbeing Hub survey.
If you have any questions about the project please contact the organisers directly.

How can technology help people with mental health problems?

Online support groups, smartphone apps, computer games, virtual reality, virtual therapists, robots….so many big emerging ideas about how digital technology can be used for mental health. But what’s the best way to use the technology?

The ‘Asking the right questions’ project aims to decide on the top 10 most pressing questions about digital technology for mental health and share these with researchers so that future research targets these priorities. To make sure that they are grounded in the everyday experience of mental health, these questions will come from people with lived experience of mental health problems and health and social professionals.

We want to hear from you!

Take part in our online survey during Spring 2017. It will only take a few minutes!

Follow the discussions on Twitter #digitalMHQ

Technology Enabled Care Programme Team

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