Cantraybridge College, based near Croy, was established to promote the skills and talents of young people with disabilities and is one of Scotland’s top facilities for people with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. The Moray Wellbeing Hub was recently invited on a fact-finding tour and here are some reflections from one of our Champions from the day:
Wednesday 19th April 2017
Today was a special day, one of those days when you don’t expect to enjoy the company you are with, or even, to find yourself wondering why you have never ventured out to be involved in an event, through the Moray Wellbeing Hub, with Heidi at the helm.
Cantraybridge sits on its own site, and unknown to myself has been in existence for 20 years; it is a rural training college for young people with disabilities, enabling them the chance in life that they would not have in mainstream schooling. It provides a haven, to dream and take advantage of the courses that are available; to enable them to find their way in the community when they have achieved the outcomes and qualification they have attained, within this farming environment. These young people can live and work here, without the constant stigma that faces all of us in a world that is not compassionate or understanding to a greater or lesser degree.
Sarah who was our Guide was pleasant and knowledgeable; having worked on the site for six years. The walk-about-we went on, was explained in detail and we saw baby goats that had been born this morning with their mamma, they have cattle that board with them in the winter, chickens who did not want to return to their huts, and had staff running after them as we viewed the landscape and polytunnels; where the College farm their own products to sell, the polytunnels were enormous and they had bumble bees in them to pollinate the flowers. I’m not a gardener, though I must admire the work that these young people do, they were not fazed by us, when we greeted them, it was just a group of young people going about their daily routine in the sunshine.
I am glad that I joined our party and thankful for the company I was in and that Heidi took me in her car, as the back road that we went on I have never travelled on. I normally go over the hump-back bridge that is further up the road from where we cut off, onto the one we were on.
Thanks to everyone who made this an enjoyable experience. Ailene.