News: Moray Sports Centre newsletter – reflection on our March 2017 events as a wellness partner


Accompanying us on our recent celebration events around Moray was Gill from the proposed Moray Sports Centre and she has written a little review of the events on their website.  Gill says:

The workshops have helped me realise how closely our mental and physical health are linked. We all know that being physically active is good for our bodies but physically activity is particularly important for our mental wellbeing. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health.

You can read the whole article here: Mental Wellbeing Roadshow

Gill Evans is the Moray Sports Centre Administrator and Events Coordinator.  If you would like to partner with her for any events, please call the switchboard 01343 552 550 or email:

Moray Sports Centre - Artists Impression

Moray Sports Centre – Artists Impression

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