Integration Authorities Consultation – A general call for written evidence was issued on Monday 13 February seeking views from patient and carers representatives, NHS and social care staff, third sector organisations by the 8th of March asking:
- Do you know how and when you can get involved with the Integration Authorities to influence decision making?
- Were you consulted in the preparation of the strategic plans or involved with the work of the Strategic Planning Group?
- Have you been involved with the work of the Integration Authority following the publication of the strategic plan?
- Have you been involved with the work of the localities/ what involvement would you like to have?
- Do you think that your involvement with the IAs has had an impact on decision making?
- What could be done to improve the communication from the IAs?
- What could be done to ensure greater collaboration and engagement in the decision making process of Integration Authorities?
Please follow the links embedded for more information here (Scottish Parliament information) and here (third force news article).