Training: Applications welcomed for Living Life to the Full T4T, 17th Feb 2017
Applications are now welcomed for Moray Wellbeing Hub LLTTF training for trainers. This comprises of one full day training as well as support and mentoring for those who attend (see application for details).
Download the LLTTF T4T application here
Closing date: 30th of January
The Moray Wellbeing Hub project in partnership with Action on Depression and the Moray Health and Social care, are delighted to announce FREE training for trainers in the CBT based course Living Life to the Full (LLTTF).
As our focus is on increasing peer based approaches, where individuals use life experience alongside other skills to create change, this FREE training will be available to those who have attended the LLTTF group workshops or have taken the LLTTF online course themselves.
The aim is to train a diverse range of new trainers in Moray to support others to use the LLTTF course materials, under the Action on Depression licence, both through delivery of the 8-week group course and one-to-one approaches.
These trainers may have existing roles in supporting groups and individuals in either a paid or unpaid capacity. For those who may not have experience of facilitation of groups, additional support and mentoring will be provided as part of the MWH Champions role.
We welcome enquiries from potential trainers and organisations interested in bringing LLTTF within their role(s) in Moray.